AlanHope AH


About this site

Responsive Design

My latest, lean, fast, flexible web templates!


No external fonts. Arial (and some Arial Narrow if you're on Windows) is used throughout, layout, font-sizes, weight, line-spacing and colors are all carefully chosen.


Minimal raw javascript for some dom stuff.

Font Awesome

All FA version 5 icons

Served from a cdn to keep things lean. Here is the subset used by Jet5...

 address-book  address-card  ambulance  arrow-down  arrow-left  arrow-right  arrow-up  ban  bars  beer  bell  book  briefcase  bug  bullseye  calculator  calendar  calendar-alt  calendar-check  calendar-minus  calendar-plus  calendar-times  camera  certificate  chart-area  chart-bar  chart-line  chart-pie  check  check-circle  check-square  chess  chessboard  chess-pawn  chess-knight  chess-bishop  chess-rook  chess-queen  chess-king  child  circle  clipboard  cloud  code  code-branch  coffee  cog  cogs  comment  comment-alt  comments  compass  copy  credit-card  crosshairs  cut  database  dot-circle  download  edit  envelope  envelope-open  eraser  exchange-alt  exclamation  exclamation-triangle  expand  expand-arrows-alt  eye  female  fighter-jet  file  file-alt  file-archive  file-audio  file-excel  file-image  file-pdf  file-video  file-word  film  filter  flag  folder  folder-open  glass-martini  graduation-cap  hdd  heart  heartbeat  home  hospital  id-badge  id-card  image  images  inbox  info  info-circle  key  keyboard  link  list  lightbulb  location-arrow  male  map-signs  medkit  microphone  minus  mobile  music  paper-plane  paperclip  pause  pencil-alt  phone  play  plus  podcast  power-off  print  question  quote-left  quote-right  random  recycle  redo  reply  reply-all  save  search  share-alt  shield-alt  shopping-basket  shopping-cart  sign-in-alt  sign-out-alt  sitemap  sliders-h  sort-alpha-down  sort-alpha-up  star  stethoscope  sticky-note  stop  sync  table  tasks  th  th-large  th-list  thumbtack  thumbs-up  times  toggle-off  toggle-on  trash-alt  trophy  undo  university  upload  user  user-md  user-plus  users  utensils  video  volume-up  wrench  buromobelexperte  paypal  slide-share  youtube