

The game of kings. The Stockfish engine plays better chess than any human ever could. I just did the chessboard and the interface: watch version 10 playing against itself...

Stockfish 10


Needs must. Unfortunately the current on-line commercial game is being discontinued, to be replaced by an in-your-face kiddy-version (Scrabble Go).

I miss getting suggestions from the game, watching computer Scrabble thinking was one of my earliest "wow" moments in computing. I can't offer you a playable version, I don't have the legal rights. Here's my Scrabble algorithm in action using a custom 33,000 word list. The display is slowed down so you can spot the words it's considering.



A fun, and rather long-running project. An attempt at a realistic patho-physiological simulator with the idea of presenting anaesthetic clinical challenges in which small teams can compete. There will be a leaderboard!
